If you want to increase your productivity, you possibly need to rethink the way you acquire and process information. This is the case if you mainly deal with papers of different types. In a highly digitalized world like ours, it seems to be a brilliant idea to go paperless. If you feel ready to adopt the idea of the truly paperless office, the obvious question is: what makes such a radical transformation easier?
Fortunately, there is something that makes things easier if you decide to reduce the consumption of paper as much as possible: fillable PDF forms. In this article, you will learn more about the concept of fillable PDF files and how you can create them online almost effortlessly.
What is a fillable PDF form?
A fillable PDF form is an electronic file with several fields where you can enter the required information without being able to edit the other areas. Since you are not allowed to modify the file except for the interactive fields, fillable PDF forms let you preserve the original layout. What’s more, such files can be additionally protected with watermarks or digital signatures, so this is a very secure way to organize electronic document workflows.
When you create a fillable PDF form using special software, you can add different fields that can be filled in online or offline and sent over the Internet. Consequently, you don’t have to print the file out. You just open the PDF form, fill it in and save the final version. All these actions can be done within minutes, so the whole process is much faster and more convenient than traditional paperwork.
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Pros of using fillable PDF forms
Here is a brief overview of the main benefits that fillable PDF forms offer:
Saving of time and money
When you collect and process information through paper, you have to spend a lot of time and money due to the printing and storage costs. The use of electronic fillable forms significantly contributes to time and cost savings by reducing paper consumption.
Fewer input errors
Fillable PDF forms allow you to quickly correct any mistake with a couple of clicks. Also, the built-in spell checkers allow can help you identify wrong inputs and instantly correct them.
Easy sharing
Fillable PDF forms can be easily shared by email or through social media, which can be done with a couple of clicks.
Cons of using fillable PDF forms
Despite all the benefits described above, PDF fillable forms have some disadvantages. Let’s have a quick look at them.
First of all, creating of fillable PDF forms requires special software and some basic computer skills. That’s why inexperienced users might find it difficult to create one from scratch.
Secondly, the PDF format is good for storage purposes but it’s not flexible when it comes to editing. When you create a PDF form, it will be very difficult to modify it afterwards.
How to create a fillable PDF form
To create a digital form, you don’t need to use professional-grade software like Adobe Acrobat DC. For this purpose, we recommend using ONLYOFFICE Docs, an open-source office suite. This solution is known for its full compatibility with Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. The suite includes a document processor, a spreadsheet editor, a presentation program and a form creator that allows you to create fillable forms and turn them into PDF files.
ONLYOFFICE Docs is available in the cloud as part of ONLYOFFICE Workspace, a groupware platform for collaborative work, or can be deployed on a local server. Due to its open API and WOPI support, ONLYOFFICE Docs can be integrated with various document management systems, e-learning platforms and cloud storage solutions, such as WordPress, Nextcloud, ownCloud, Moodle, Chamilo, Redmine, Jira, Seafile, Confluence, Plone, Alfresco, etc. Also, there is a free desktop app for Windows, Linux and macOS, and free mobile apps for Android and iOS.
ONLYOFFICE Docs makes it possible to create and edit fillable forms via the interface of the text editor, so the whole editing process is very intuitive and simple. You just create and edit your form like an ordinary text document.
To make a fillable form, you need to create a new document or open an existing Word file (DOCX). Then, access the Forms tab on the top toolbar and add the required field type from these options:
- Text fields;
- Combo boxes;
- Drop-down lists;
- Checkboxes;
- Radio buttons;
- Images.
When you add a field to your document, you will see its properties on the right sidebar. For example, if you need a text field, you can establish a limit of characters that can be entered there, allow multi-line text entry, make the field size fixed or mark it as obligatory. Field properties may vary depending on the filed type.
Optionally, you can add a placeholder, a phrase that temporarily takes the place of the final data in the field. Also, you can add a tip to the field. It’s a balloon that appears when you move the mouse cursor over the field.
As any modern office suite, ONLYOFFICE Docs is equipped with a full set of editing tools, so you can edit and format your text the way you like. Importantly, you can invite your teammates for collaborative editing. That means that your colleagues and you can edit the same file together in real-time. When you finish the editing process, click the View Form option on the Forms tab. This tool allows you to see what your fillable form will look like. If everything is OK and no changes are needed, go back to the File tab and choose PDF to save your digital file. The saved PDF form will have fillable fields that can be filled using a PDF editor or even a web browser.
When your PDF form is ready, you can share it with other users. They can open it and enter the required data, save the final version and send it back to you. This is quite simple, isn’t it?
Read: 6 Steps For Transferring Files To Your Kindle Via Email
Alternative option
With ONLYOFFICE Docs, you can not only save your file as PDF, but also save it as OFORM and share it with other users. This is ONLYOFFICE’s own format that is designed for online forms. Like PDF, the OFORM format allows you to preserve the original layout of your files and is used for ready-to-use forms. OFORM files can’t be edited but you can always enter the required information in the interactive fields.
You can open an OFORM file in your web browser and fill out all the fields. The form can be saved to PDF if you click the Save as PDF button in the upper right corner of the interface.
Fillable PDF forms allow you to save some time and money when creating standard documents from ready-to-use templates. And this doesn’t require any complicated software or professional skills. Try creating fillable PDF forms with ONLYOFFICE Docs online and enjoy the process.