The chances are that you’ve already heard multiple theories on why Instagram is a fantastic digital marketing platform for businesses. But how can you know for sure that it can be helpful for your business without even trying it and potentially wasting your time and money for Instagram growth service?
Nowadays, Instagram is one of the most important social media channels around, with roughly one billion active monthly users, according to Statista. In that manner, we’re absolutely positive that any marketer who’s not utilizing “The ‘Gram” to the fullest is missing out on something big for their company. So, whether you’re using it to promote your own personal brand or manage the social media accounts of a big corporation, implementing Instagram into your company’s marketing strategy these days is a must.
If you’re still not sure why Instagram is absolutely essential for your brand, take a look at the following four reasons to find out why you should put your marketing efforts in this social media platform now.
You Can Reach A Lot Of Potential New Clients Through Instagram
With over one billion active monthly users on the platform, Instagram provides businesses with a vast potential audience. Though you can buy Instagram likes, hashtags are still the best way of getting your content in front of your audience’s eyes; you just have to be sure that you use relevant hashtags that your prospective customers are actually searching for.
In addition, the platform also provides you with the opportunity to organically build a community around your brand that will engage with your content, products, or services for the years to come. Nevertheless, growing a loyal base of followers takes time and a lot of effort, so if you want to speed things up, you can employ a well-known Instagram growth service to do the hard work for you for a small portion of the budget you would otherwise spend to do everything on your own.
The ‘Gram Has Better Engagement Rates Than Any Other Social Media Platform
The true power of any marketing tool out there lies in its ability to engage with prospective customers truly. Just think about it, even if you launch a costly marketing campaign without high levels of engagement, you can bet that the campaign won’t meet your business’s marketing objectives, and the ROI won’t cut it.
Instagram is the king of social media engagement. In fact, the average Instagram business profile follower engagement with posts on a page has been 0.83% since October 2021. That’s around 50 times more engagement per post than Facebook and 150 times more engagement per post than Twitter. So, if you’re looking for better ROI from your marketing campaigns, it may be the time to start creating them for Instagram rather than for Facebook or other social media platforms.
Instagram Stories Can Make Your Business Seem More Relatable
One of Instagram’s most recent additions, the Instagram stories, can help you to show your target audience that you’re not just another faceless corporation. With many of the features adapted for making superior audience connections, you can really make a lasting impression on your target audience with stories and even live broadcasts on the platform.
Provide your followers’ base with behind-the-scenes insights into your brand, reveal videos of how your in-house employees enjoy their jobs while in the office or hire an influencer to organize a live Q&A session with your audience. Such visual feeds can help you reflect your brand’s uniqueness and differentiate your company from competitors.
Your Company Can Make Money Directly From The Platform
Over the years, the social media channel has evolved to enable on-platform eCommerce sales. And these days, there’s a greater emphasis on making money through product placement than ever before. The latest Instagram update, the shopping tab, is located on the platform’s home dock and permits users to discover and purchase from businesses directly through Instagram.
The platform also allows businesses to create shoppable posts, which would enable them to add tags to the products or services in their photos with links that contain a product portrayal, price, and the ability to “shop now,” which will guide the user directly to your online shop. With these services, it’s relatively easy for businesses now to attract actual sales directly from Instagram.
Read: How To Launch An ECommerce Business In 2022
Final Thoughts
Well, there you have it. Hopefully, you’ve gone from wondering “Why is Instagram marketing so important?” to “How can I quickly put together a winning Instagram marketing strategy.” As there are more people on “The ‘Gram” today than ever before, not joining this fantastic platform means that you’re sacrificing thousands of potential clients that want what you offer.