What Does A Moon Next To A Text Mean In IOS?

If you are an iPhone user then I am sure at some point you would have wondered why is there a moon next to a text? Their are a lot of iPhone users out their who are facing similar issue of half moon next to text in IOS device and wonder what does a moon next to a text mean. A light grey half moon or blue half moon would be seen near some of the contact numbers in the text message’s section.

Most of the iPhone users don’t know about the meaning of half moon next to text in an IOS device and are looking for answers. In this article, we have answered what does a moon next to a text mean and also answered the popular question why is there a moon next to a text. We have added the meaning for both blue and grey moon in this article and also why does they show up.

showing moon in ios

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Meaning Of Blue Moon

The meaning of both the moons are different. The blue moon shows up when the next message is unread. You will see the blue moon only in front of those texts which are unread.

Meaning Of Grey Moon

The blue moon will turn grey once you read the text. So the grey moon is for read messages. This was a simple answer to what does a moon next to a text mean. Not lets see why it shows up and how to disable it.

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Why The Moon Shows Up In Texts?

To be specific, IOS devices are allowed to mute any individual contacts for texts. The main reason for why is there a moon next to a text is because you must have the do not disturb option enabled for the specific contact in front of which the moon shows up. You must have noticed that you are not getting any notification sounds from the contact in front of which the moon shows up. But you still be getting messages from the same contacts but with a moon showing up next to the text.

How To Disable the Moon?

If you don’t want a half moon next to text in your IOS device, you just have to follow some simple steps. Here is how to do it:

  • Go to any message thread from which you want to remove the moon
  • Then Open the message thread and press on the number
  • Now, click on Info
moon show in ios near text
  • Now Swipe the hide alerts option
moon in ios
  • The moon would be removed and you will get notification from the contact from now

By following these easy steps the issue why is there a moon next to a text will be resolved. If you want to remove the moon from any other contact, you can follow the same steps.

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Do Not Disturb On iPhone

Do not disturb is an option provided on iPhone which allows you to mute all the notification on the IOS device. If you might have accidently switched it on and are now wondering how to disable it, just follow the simple steps:

  • Open the Control Center on your iPhone
  • Find a moon in you control center
  • Click on the moon and once you are done, it should look like this:
dnd ios
  • Once done, the do not disturb option will be deactivated.

By following the simple steps above, you will be able to disable the Do not disturb option in no time.

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This was the simple article on what does a moon next to a text mean and why does it shoes up. Also, we told how by following the simple steps you can easily disable it as well. I hope you found this article helpful. If you still have any questions in mind, you can mention them in the comments. We will be happy to answer them.

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